Keep your clients and team members up to date on project and task updates
Made by a service agency to solve agency problems.
What nobody thought of before
Not Just Another Project Management Tool
Real-Time communications
Clients expect to be well informed and teams need to be nimble, however, there's a lag between a client sending an email to an account person and the creative/developer working on the project receiving that update.Connexion solves this, by collecting emails and messages from clients in real-time and putting them in a place where the creative/developer can have access to this information.
The Proverbial Bus Situation
Susan is unexpectedly out of the office today or in an all-day meeting, The client emailed Susan with an important update to the project. If the developer had known they would have been able to adjust and keep the client happy without Susan's involvement.Using your current communication methods and project management tools how would your team adapt if Susan (an account/project manager) were to be hit by the proverbial bus for a day?
The story behind the scenes
Connex Digital is a marketing agency turned into a low-code/workflow automation services agency. Connex began in 2010. From Custom marketing projects, to a productized linkbuilding service Connex has adjusted the agency model trying to solve client problems. However, one thing remains true: Each client is unique and has unique needs and project requirements.Regardless of what we’ve looked like, our mission has always remained the same: to improve our client’s bottom line while also constantly providing superior service.Connexion is our most recent attempt to solve our own problem in servicing our clients. We've released it to the world hoping it will help other service agencies better serve their clients as well
All your project updates LIVE! No matter where you are or if your teammate is on vacation. Everyone is just a click away from a status update!
Connexion Versus the Competition

Connexion has a Kanban view of projects and tasks, 100% integration with your email and messages, and no need to have project files and follow a crazy organizational pattern,

Connexion has a client login and auto-sync of emails and messages to keep everyone on the team well informed. You can set projects and tasks to be viewable by the client or internal only.

Connexion has unified task views so you can see all of your tasks across all projects/clients and all of the client communications with each project/task as well!

Connexion has markdown and code updates available in every field, from task description to comments. Connexion also has the unified client communications area

Connexion beets the competition on speed and reliability as well as updates in the browser, but most importantly Connexion keeps the whole team informed through email and messaging syncing
All The Others
Connexion was built to scratch our own itch as a service agency. We still have clients and we use Connexion to manage those clients.
Built with Love around the Globe